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Best Angular alternatives for web development in 2024 | Vaadin

Angular is a web development framework that provides APIs, libraries, and tools to streamline application development. Despite being a mature, secure, and well-maintained framework—Angular’s popularity has steadily declined in the last few years. In comparison, Angular alternatives like React and Vue.js have witnessed increased demand and popularity.

In this article, we explore the pros and cons of Angular and several alternatives you can use instead.

Angular adopts the familiar MVC developmen...

Entropy in machine learning — applications, examples, alternatives

Entropy is a machine learning term borrowed from thermodynamics that measures randomness or disorder in any system. Why measure disorder? Consider a real-life system like your office desk. The number of ways you can organize the items on your desk is limited, but the number of ways to mess it up is unlimited! Mathematics uses entropy to measure this chaos — or, more specifically, the probability of chaos.
Claude E. Shannon introduced the concept of entropy to data science in his famous 1948 pape...

Data governance and data security: what’s the difference?

Data governance is the systematic management of an organization’s overall data strategy. It defines and enforces policies and procedures for different aspects of data management, from collection to cleaning, classification, integration, storage and use. It establishes data quality standards that everyone in the organization is expected to follow. The goal is to ensure all data management technologies and processes always comply with industry standards, laws and regulations.

In contrast, data security focuses only on data protection. It includes the tools and processes that prevent unauthorized access. It implements verification (like password checks) so that only verified users can access data. Different access levels are defined so that some users can only read data while others can read and update the dataset.

What is Generative AI? - Generative Artificial Intelligence Explained - AWS

Traditional machine learning models were discriminative or focused on classifying data points. They attempted to determine the relationship between known and unknown factors. For example, they look at images—known data like pixel arrangement, line, color, and shape—and map them to words—the unknown factor. Mathematically, the models worked by identifying equations that could numerically map unknown and known factors as x and y variables.

Generative models take this one step further. Instead of

4 App Modernization Strategies & Best Practices for Success | Vaadin

Cutting-edge applications are necessary to maintain a competitive edge in the post-COVID era. Users today expect lightning-fast load times, intuitive interfaces, and accessibility from any device at any time. Born-in-the-cloud companies can use everything from serverless to artificial intelligence and virtual reality to deliver the best user experiences.

But what about legacy business-critical applications? Many organizations have customer-facing and internal applications that they have used fo

Blockchain and Machine Translation

The global blockchain industry is set to expand to over US$94 billion by the end of 2027. Statista forecasts that blockchain-based systems could potentially govern 10% to 20% of the world’s economic infrastructure worldwide.

However, to succeed internationally, blockchain companies must adapt their documents, digital systems, and workflows to meet the linguistic and cultural nuances of their intended audience. Multicultural adaption must happen quickly and timely to encourage blockchain adoptio

Affinda | How to Convert Image to Text Using Python

Modern organizations are inundated with vast amounts of unstructured data in the form of images, PDFs, and scanned documents. Extracting relevant text information from these files manually is time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient.

However, with the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), you now have the ability to automate this process using code. You can use AI-powered optical character recognition (OCR) algorithms to accurately extract text from images and make your data more ac

What is Hyperledger Fabric? - Hyperledger Fabric Explained - AWS

A Hyperledger Fabric network is comprised of unique organizations (or members) that interact with each other on the network. For example, an organization could be a bank in a network comprised of financial institutions or a shipping partner in a supply chain network. From a Fabric component perspective, each organization has a Fabric certificate authority and one or more peer nodes. A Fabric network also has an ordering service shared by all organizations in the network, and this component helps